Synthetic opal or not? These opals need testing!

While I was in Tucson this year I cam across some opal that had me stumped for a while. At first I thought it was synthetic opal but then came to a conclusion. Before I make my mind up they need testing. So will be sending them away for lab testing to see what they really are. I did think they were synthetic opals and I have an article and video on them here but now I am not so sure. If they were they would be pretty incredible as they have color bars.

I will be sending them to Tony Smallwood for testing within the next few days.

Have a good look at the images if you know what it is and want to join the conversation please leave a comment below. I will be making a video about it all in the coming weeks

6 thoughts on “Synthetic opal or not? These opals need testing!”

  1. Yeah that looks like some new synthetic ive seen going around. They really are good at making it these days. Ive seen some with inclusions and everything


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