We got an email a few weeks back from a colleague. He loved the story of Florian Steiner learning to cut opal by hand. This youngster has been busy cutting semi precious stones because he could not afford any opals – and still all by hand.
Sabi Kiss, a member of the Australian opal community wanted to encourage him to keep going and has been very generous in donating this amazing Pixie cutting machine packed with diamond and nova diamond wheels.
To add to this generous gesture, Sabi has even thrown in some rough opal for Florian to cut. It’s now on its journey overseas to Florian.
I would like to personally thank Sabi for reaching out and doing this for Florian – he is so immensely excited!
If you would like to help Florian Steiner with a small parcel of rough – please get in touch. We would love to see him grow and prosper.
PS> We will keep you updated with his progress and perhaps he will share pictures of those first opals he cuts!