If you only watch one video on opal pattern types make it this one – our best yet. It’s all well and good to see an image of a pattern but, in order to really understand how it works, you must be able to see it move and emerge though a stone.
In this video each opal is shown in close-up revealing its pattern and color secrets.
The following opal pattern types are covered:
- Rolling Flash
- Mackerel Sky
- Boulder Matrix
- Moss
- Harlequin
- Broadflash
- Cloverleaf
- Feather
- Asteria
- Flagstone
- Sheen
- Chinese Writing
- Pinfire
- Chaff
- Floral
- Broadflash/Chaff
- Flash of Fire
Watch this video and never again will you be wondering – what opal pattern type is that?
great video ! the macro view is awesome
I think the asteria is 1 of the best and really amazing
btw. what is the definition of the last Flash of Fire pattern ?
Flash of fire is when you move the stone a flame of fire moves across the piece just like a fire. 🙂
thank, opal is number one
This is an amazing video. Thanks Justin for sharing this. It’s hard to believe that there are so many different patterns in opal.
Hi Danny Thank you mate. There is so many more patterns aslo