When my two opal miner friends said they had “the best nobby opal we have ever mined,” my curiosity was immediately piqued. They were unsure how to cut it to get the most out of the gem, so I was honored when they asked me to do it. As you all know, I rarely cut opal for anyone else, but this nobby certainly was the exception. Therefore, do yourself a favor and watch the best opal cutting I have ever done. A big thank you to them both for allowing me to film the process—enjoy the Opal Miner’s Gem Cut.
Revealing The Opal
Cutting this gem in front of the miners filled me with mixed emotions of nerves, excitement, and curiosity. First, I cleaned up the gem a bit, which gave me a better understanding of how deep the sand was. Then, I decided to take it to the slicer as that sand wasn’t playing nicely. Consequently, we sliced that nobby not once, not twice, but three times—and the reveal of color inside was spectacular! Their excitement kept growing with each gem revealed, which boosted my energy even more. Goosebumps were activated for everyone in the workshop!
Best Opal Cut Ever!
I can honestly say this has to be one of the best, if not the best, opal cuts I have ever done. We managed to get four spectacular opals from the one nobby: a hefty, drool-worthy oval, a slightly smaller oval, a gorgeous organic triangular shape, and a stunning drop shape. They all showcase Flagstone, Chaff, and Floral patterns, with one even featuring broadflash. This was truly a jackpot, worth around US$150,000, of incredible Lightning Ridge Opals.