Advise on cutting opal. Your opinion needed?

Throughout the years I have given my opinion on the art of cutting opal. Now it is your turn.

We need your help to decide what to do with this piece of Andamooka gem crystal chunk of opal

It has many color bars and deciding which way to face it, cut it, slice it, orientate it is in the hands of us all. Please give 2 minutes of your time to help us decide what to do with this giant piece of what some would call dream opal. This way we can all learn and go forward.

For the people who don’t really know what to say and are maybe too shy to comment, please just enjoy the journey over the coming weeks and see this piece come to life with the help from the community. Hopefully it will give confidence to you for your next opal cutting challenge.

Please leave your reply in the comments below. And I will respond to all. 🙂

To see more cutting videos click here.

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